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NEWS (archive)

June 24, 2005 - We have several news for mapmakers. Some are small and useful, some are big and important. We'll start from small today.

We are often asked, where mapmakers can send their maps, if their maps require Equilibris installed. Well, we know for sure that, except our site, those web-sites on the right do accept Equilibris maps.

Celestial HeavensHeroes Portal

Second news for mapmakers is easy to understand from the first screenshot.

Early animated (!) concept of the building on the second screenshot can be found here.

June 18, 2005 - The screenshot speaks for itself. It will be in the upcoming Equilibris 3.6. Magic Resistance in battle

June 06, 2005 - Couple more screenshots to break the whole month without news.
Set of desert structures

May 07, 2005 - Spanish site "invisibility bug" fixed. German version will soon appear, thanks DeDark.

Positive reaction in forums inspires our artists. A new set of buildings in "desert style" from Crusard. Set of desert structures

April 28, 2005 - Equilibris web site (everything but "News" page) is now available in Spanish, thanks to our Translator Rubendj!

And a little teaser - an object in a new style. Let us know if you like it in forums. If you do - we will create several objects of the same style. NewPollution

April 16, 2005 - Our host site - - announced a new Equilibris map by Imp King - Civil War. You can start the game from 5 starting positions - one in Canada and 4 in US. AI controlled barbarians live in Mexico. Civil War

Our Russian forum is moving to the same host as our web-site. No more unreliable connection, annoying popups and other unpleasent things. New style (available after registering), quick response and close contact with the team are offered instead. Alas, we were unable to transfer all the messages to our new location, so we will have to make links to old forum for some time.

April 09, 2005 - All translators, who are still working on Equilibris translations - please, reply to this thread or e-mail. Quite soon we'll need your involvement, and we would like to know how far have you gone in translating the game and if you are still working on it.

April 03, 2005 - "Who are we? Why do we do what we do?" - I got new answers to these important questions in a magazine I respect very much - "The Economist". There is an article "The rise of creative consumer" in the 12-18 March issue. Just several quotes from it:

"How does innovation happen? The familiar story involves boffins in academic institutes and R&D labs. But lately, corporate practice has begun to challenge this old-fashioned notion. ...

Or that Electronic Arts (EA), a maker of computer games, ships programming tools to its customers, posts their modifications online and works their creations into new games. And so on. Not only the customer is king: now he is market research head, R&D chief and product development manager too. ...

Eric Von Hippel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: "User innovation has always been around. The difference is that people can no longer deny that it is happening." Indeed, it is "very likely, that the majority of innovations happens this way," says Mr Von Hippel. Such innovation, he says, has a "much higher rate of success". ...

Westwood Studios, a game developer, now owned by EA, first noticed it's customers innovating it's products after the launch of the game, "Red Alert", in 1996: gamers were making new content for existing games and posting it freely on fan web-sites.Westwood "made a conscious decision to embrace this phenomenon", says Mike Verdu of EA. ... "The fan community has had a tremendous influence on game design, and the games are better as a result".

May be that attention that Westwood Studios paid to customer innovation, was the asset EA wanted to buy with the company? May be underestimation of this asset was the driver that pushed 3DO to oblivion? May be the neglection of customer innovation by Ubisoft makes it undervalued, and EA is ready to buy the company to uncover this asset? Post your thoughts in our forum.

For those of you who missed the announcement of the map "AI Madness" on Celestialheavens we publish it once more. The map can be played both with WoW and Equilibris v.3.51, but the author (Fiur) insists that it is designed for Equilibris. The map has lot of scripting to make AI deliver you a lot of troubles. May that is what you never experienced before? AI MadnessAI Madness

As you probably know, Ubisoft has finally announced "Heroes of Might and Magic V". Though it took them several months instead of "couple weeks", the community now knows the main thing - the game is being worked on. Read more about this on Celestialheavens.

March 25, 2005 - We are back from CeBIT. Many thanks to Klaus and Inga! Hannover is beautiful city, we are full of new impressions from both Hannover and CeBIT.

5 screenshots today - new adventure map objects. The first 4 were posted in our forum by forum member Crusard. He offered his help in modelling 3D objects, which we gladly accepted. The last one is his sketch of crystal market - the idea of 4-th screenshot.

Some statue Crystal Market

February 28, 2005 - New multiplayer map "Tournament" was sent to us by webbear. The map is somewhat specific - it's main idea is to skip the development phase, where players fight against AI mostly, and proceed directly to final battle. It may lack beautiful landscapes, but when you make as many fights against human player as possible, it does not matter that much. This map reminds another map of this kind - "Tactical Combat", very well known to multiplayer fans. Tournament surfaceTournament underground

In this map each player has several armies, each consisting of several heroes. Player must choose 1 hero from each army, take creatures and go to treasury to equip with artifacts. And then - let the strongest win!

The map can obviously be improved, and the author will be happy to receive your feedback on the map. Today we release only Russian version of ther map, English version will follow soon.

CEBIT February 25, 2005 - Equilibris is going to CEBIT, Hannover.

During CEBIT 2005 the Equilibris Team leader Dalai with colleague will be in Hannover. If you are going to visit Deutsche Messe during this time too, and want to meet with Dalai, please send a message to Dalai's mail.

If you are able to help two young intelligent people with housing in Hannover for the duration of the fair, we are ready to offer you the following in exchange:

  • Hot-seat with Dalai :-)
  • Couple new adventure objects which will appear only in Equilibris 3.6
  • Two extra tickets to CEBIT
  • History of the Orange Revolution from one of participants
  • This all in German, English, Russian or Ukrainian

As you probably know, the computer game "Alexander" published by Ubisoft (the owner of the Heroes franchise) did not get too warm welcome, although it was produced by Fabrice Cambounet, who is now responsible for "Heroes of Might and Magic - V" project.

Pirates decided not only Ubisoft has to have their "Alexander" and released new Heroes - IV "addon". It features all that previous addons of this kind (Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, Excalibur) could boast of - couple buggy campaigns impossible to finish, several stolen and "corrected" maps and need to reinstall Heroes-IV after losing a lot of time and effort for no pleasure.

Alexander (CD-cover)

February 07, 2005 - We have made one more breakthrough in tuning AI. In the next version of Equilibris it is probable that AI-heroes will develop their skills more intelligently. If you think you can contribute your knowledge and experience to make AI-heroes development scheme as smart as possible, please post your comment in forum thread "Smart AI".

Island of Sunrise, English version, announced 2 days ago, is available for download. Click image to download it.

February 05, 2005 - Today we want to announce the upcoming updated version of Island of Sunrise - duel map for 2 players, requires Equilibris 3.51 or higher. It has some interesting scripting, allowing to fit the map to your favourite style of play.

Map is available in Russian Section. As soon as we translate it - we will inform you here.

Spellcasters-groundIsland of Sunrise

Celestial Heavens January 11, 2005 - We are moving to new location. Don't forget to update your bookmarks!

To celebrate the move, we offer you to download the last version of Equilibris installer (3.51) without waiting in line directly from Celestial Heavens server! The offer is valid for a limited time only!

Heroes Portal will be celebrating it's 5-th anniversary on 5-th of February. The selebration will start with HoMM-III Shadow of Death tournament in “Virtual Portal” internet-club in Kiev, Ukraine. Registration can be done by mail till 23-rd of January. Click Herroes Portal logo to read more about event. Heroes Portal

December 31, 2004 - Our spy satellite just gave us the picture of the most recent developments in Axeoth after Santa got there in attempt to prepare a New Year party :)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

December 29, 2004 - Promised screenshot with a brand new creature bank. Creature Bank

December 20, 2004 - A lack of news does not mean the project is not moving. 2 screenshots today - new adventure map objects.

November 27, 2004 - The new version of the map "New Pollution" - 1.1, is available for download. Links updated.

November 17, 2004 - The map "New Pollution" version 1.0, announced 2 weeks ago, is finally available. This new map requires Equilibris . Insatiable promised some development for this map.


November 09, 2004 - There is one more map we should have annonced in our news long ago. "The Economists" by Rakne Fne - very interesting map playable with Equilibris 3.42 or higher. For singleplayer or two allied players.

"In the lands of Ilnius a group of islands lays isolated from the rest of the world. A powerful magic weapon somehow drains the islands for artifacts, but the people of Ilnius have learned to manage by renting artifacts instead. Therefore, you have to prove you are a true... economist!"

The Economists

November 04, 2004 - Update of yesterday's news: "NewPollution" map is still in alpha version. It needs soome more decoration, testing, balancing and bug-fixes. Link to the map removed. It will be restored after we have version 1.0.

While you wait for a new map, here is a screenshot of what you can expect from the final version of Equilibris.

November 03, 2004 - Pretty soon after Equilibris was out, the new map requiring it made by Insatiable appeared. It is a multiplayer map without underground.


22 October 2004 - Two more bugs in Equilibris fixed. You can download new installer of a small fix in Downloads section.

18 October 2004 - Face tool v.1.1 is now available in Downloads section. Now it works better and more stable, than before. Those who don't know what this utility is for - read about it in news from April 13, 2004.

15 October 2004 - Equilibris is available since Tuesday, but minor technical problems prevented us from updating "News" and "Downloads" pages. Today we finally have this opportunity. Look for links to Equilibris installer and editor panels file in "Downloads" and for changelog - in "Changelog". By the way, the changelog has changed a bit. :)

In the nearest future we plan another Equilibris language versions. As soon as our translators submit us their results, we will make them publicly available. Current installer offers English, Russian and French versions.

And one more update is planned for the next few days - FaceTool v1.1. Look for details about this utility in news from April 13.

09 October 2004 - We are often asked, why we change some things. Why we do it the way we do it, and not some other way? How will the change affect balance? We know, that only tiny percent of all visitors ask their questions in forums. Sometime we are asked the same question over and over again. Other people do not have enough time to ask and then wait for an answer, or they just do not want to seem not competent enough, or there may be some other reasons. But whatever reason - we do not want them to leave our project web-site unsatisfied.

From now on, special "Why?" link - Why? - will appear in different places of our web-site. If you want extra information - just click the "Why?" link, and read an answer on a new page.

08 October 2004 - Today is Friday, and the Equilibris release is ... postponed till Tuesday, the 12-th of October. Special apologies to those particapants of Ceasar tournment ( who postponed their games to play them using new version of Equilibris mod.

06 October 2004 - Equilibris release is planned for Friday. Today we updated ChangeLog section as it will be in 3.51.

29 September 2004 - We have got a winner! Wildbear (Fluffy Nightmare) has given the right answer. Today we post a screenshot of the previous object (from 27 Sep 2004) after doubleclick.

inside the new object

27 September 2004 - A lot of smart and funny guesses about the first screenshot posted two weeks ago. But the right answer has not been given yet. Today we post another screenshot. This new object is similar to previous one. Probably it will help you to finally guess what is that. We'll wait for your ideas in this forum thread - same as before. We will post the right answer in several days, if it won't be given in forums. guess what is that

14 September 2004 - We updated "Downloads" section - new downloads links were added. And couple more screenshots. Try to guess what is on the first one. Post your ideas in forum - the link is above.

guess what is that gold golem screen 1

23 August 2004 - We updated "FAQ" section - information about the most recent release and couple of new questions and answers were added.

One more version of Excalibur. In our news from 6-th of August we posted another one. All three "unofficial addons" are included in this release. Something like "unofficial Heroes-IV platinum". Excalibur Disk - version 2

August 12, 2004 - Some people report us about numerous crashes they experience with beta2 released last week, so before we release 3.51 we decided to upload Equilibris v.3.5_beta_3. Hopefully is solves some problems. The link to Equilibris v.3.5_beta_3 can be found in Downloads section, as always.

August 06, 2004 - Today we present the second beta-version of Equilibris v.3.5. It is bug-free (we hope), but it is still pre-release version - we have not implemented all the features we planned for v.3.5. We plan to do it in the next version - 3.51. The link to Equilibris v.3.5_beta_2 can be found in Downloads section.

Month ago we warned you about counterfeit Heroes disks. Today we present you so called "Excalibur disk". Needless to say it has nothing to do with any known name in the world of Heroes. Excalibur Disk

July 30, 2004 - Attention translators!

Currently we have a decent French version (constantly improving) and partially translated Spanish and Brazilian Portugese versions.

I would like to ask you to make a short report about your activities, issues and so on here.

The other important thing is that we are sometimes receiving several similar offers to help us with the same language. 3 Spanish translators, 2 German... I would be happy it you all post here so you can find each other and cooperate.

July 28, 2004 - Equilibris 3.5 beta version is out for our testers. One of it's new features is presented on the nearby screenshot. Equilibris v.3.5 will be released approximately in the first week of August. Necromancy menu

July 14, 2004 - New objects for Equilibris v3.5- fortifications. Fortifications

July 05, 2004 - We got to know about some CD (again!, check news from December 02, 2003) that contains Equilibris among such fakes as “Lords of the Rings”. As soon as we get the screenshot of the CD’s cover we’ll immediately post it out. We, the Equilibris Team, declare that we have nothing to do with this CD as well as with the previous ones. We can not predict the quantity of bugs on the disk and degree of your headache in case of buying the fake. Please, take care of yourself, dear fans; don't buy this fake.

June 29, 2004 - Great news for mapmakers. Starting from Equilibris 3.5 you will have more possibilities to work with variables.

On this screenshot you can see simple script and it's work in the game. If you run this script in previous game version - you will get "Your horse is $(age) years old".


The following picture displays another feature - variables in Quest hut description. For example, you can have "alive counters" with this improvement.

In this particular case there is a script that is counting dows days left until you horse's birthday. Anytime you right-click the quest hut - you get the most recent info.


June 21, 2004 - Very long time without updates. So, there are some important news we want to announce.

The first news is - Equilibris v.3.5 will be ready soon. It will contain not too many changes, but they are really important. They will include changes in creature stats (mostly non-castle), advanced classes and range of potions and items in blacksmiths.

The second news - there will be 4 language versions of Equilibris 3.5: English, Russian, French (updated by Artighel) and Brazilian Portugese. The Brazilian Portugese version is only 75% finished though. So if someone wants to help us finalize the work begun by Jefferson - you are welcome to mail us or post your wish in our forum.

We have succeeded to add some new objects to the Campaign Editor. Some of them will probably appear in the upcoming Equilibris release. Look familiar?

1 2 3 4

May 26, 2004 - Artighel, the french translator, has finished his work several days ago. After some short testing, which did not reveal any major flaws in his translation, we are happy to announce Equilibris v.3.42 in French. Look for it in our Download section.
Minor inconsistencies which were found already, will be fixed in the next version of Equilibris. If you think something is not translated properly or you just want to share your idea - you are welcome to the message board - link "Forum" above.


May 16, 2004 - Our previous news have raised some questions. Why the map Slaves of the Geshi was named as second map for Equilibris? It is very simple - the first map for Equilibris was "Spellcasters" by Blue_Camel.

"Your starting five heroes (one of each type of spellcaster) are the only heroes available to you the entire game...
The Spirit of Oppression is given to each player from the start of the game.  It negates all morale in battle."


May 14, 2004 - Equilibris mod is gaining more popularity. Today we present a second map, which does not have 3.0 or WoW version - only Equilibris 3.42. The map Slaves of the Geshi was made by Twin Matrix.

"On an island, the Kacha citizens are slaves of the Gechi tribe on the east of the island. The Gechies are using the Kacha to get recources from their side of the island without having to work for it. But now the Kacha will have war against the Geshies and defeat them."

Slaves of the Geshi

May 10, 2004 - Fans keep sendig us their face kits, created with the help of FaceTool (see news from April 13, 2004). Today we show one of such sets, sent to us by Sandro.

Dark Mephala Akira Drifton Terris Orbis

May 06, 2004 - A lot of work, but almost nothing to show.

Our ongoing translations:

Complete translations (the original game was not released in these languages)
Portugese (Brazilian).

Translations of Eqiuilibris changes:


It means that sooner or later these language versions of Equilibris Mod will be released, if our translators (which will soon appear in "Team" section) do not give up.

April 13, 2004 - Many people asked in forums for some tool to change heroes faces and biographies. The only tool of that kind worked on original version (1.0) of Heroes and was rather limited.

Now we present a new, powerful tool for modding heroes faces, biographies, etc. Now you can create your own heroes! Even more - you can share them with your friends! When you make some changes - they are saved in separate file - portraits.h4r (in "Data" folder). You can rename this file to new_mod.h4r and attach it to your map or campaign. If user wants to use your faces, he/she just puts this file in his/her "Data" folder of the game - that's it!

And we want to announce a small competition. Send us your portraits.h4r files with the names of your source and target heroes. We will calculate our special rating of most disliked heroes and replace them with the best of your artworks. You now have a chance to co-create Equilibris - use it!.

The tool is available in Downloads section.

April 04, 2004 - Equilibris v.3.42 is available in Downloads. All our bugs from 3.4 fixed + couple of new features added.

New adventure objects for addon - statues.

March 28, 2004 - Greece has been the center of European and Middle East's civilizations for many centuries. It's one of the ancient civilizations which actually survived the test of time. John Van Caneghem and his team many times were inspired by Greek mythology resulting the Heroes' gameplay to be wider, starting from the hirelings that they borrowed from myths and legends - hydras, minotaurs, harpies, titans, centaurs etc.,- to other matters - artifacts, stories, heroes and town names, adventure objects.

Unfortunately, although both the "Heroes" and "Might and Magic series" have many fans in Greece and sold many pieces, no publisher ever interested in translating the original game in Greek.

So, now the team is going to try to change this fact with the help of Dimitris - Heroes fan from Greece - so Greece will have its own localized version of the upcoming Equilibris v.3.42.

And two more pictures as promised. Tired of all the same bridges? Now it is going to change.

Crossbridges will allow mapmakers create passages and mazes, not using underground layer. Icebridges can melt, if the mapmaker wishes them to do so.

March 22, 2004 - We have got several news today.
The first news - we are finally moving to Strategyplanet hosting.

It means that we will have the opportunity to upload files of virtually any sise, and you will be able to download them on decent speed.

The second news - we have updated our screenshots page. Some are already familiar to those playing Equilibris 3.4, and one is brand new. We have some more new screenshots, and will try to post one every couple days.

February 25, 2004 - Quick-fix has got better. Load it again from Downloads section, re-install Equilibris v3.4 and patch it as usual. Meantime, we continue working over 3.41 version.

February 24, 2004 - A weird bug has lurked into the latest release - the experience popup doesn’t always pop. Besides, fans spotted incorrect work of some scripts in some cases. All these problems will be eliminated in 3.41 version. Until then, a quick-fix for the problems is available in Downloads section.

Note on some other new useful staff available in Downloads section! Equi.aop - Equilibris campaign editor configuration file (copy it into Data folder of Heroes directory). It contains new and previously hidden objects.

February 22, 2004 - Finally! Our chief programmer is healed! We are releasing Equilibris 3.4 today. Check Downloads and ChangeLog sections. We are waiting for feedback on all changes on our message board, as always.

February 20, 2004 - Bad news! Equilibris 3.4 release is postponed again, this time till Sunday. The delay is caused by flu that came down upon our team member responsible for 3.4. version release.

February 17, 2004 - Equilibris v3.4 beta testing is in progress starting February 10. Some bugs are already found and fixed. In some few days we plan on releasing 3.4. version.

Today we post the lacking screenshot from the set prepared by Ubisoft (city, screenshot #2) and for comparison the two done by vanished 3DO - “Phoenix” and “Undead Capital”.

January 29, 2004 - Finally the first update this year! This is one of the most exiting screenshots by now. And it WILL be in Equilibris v3.4!

December 19, 2003 - The advanced class table (as they are in version 3.3) is available in Downloads.

December 12, 2003 - By now, all Heoes fan will probably have seen those 5 sketches of Heroes of Might and Magic-V. The concept art is available on leading world Heroes fan-sites - Heroic Corner, Celestial Heavens, Heroes Community, Archangel Castle, Behemoth's Lair. We proudly present next sketch. This time it is a mine.

And here are the other 5 sketches:

December 05, 2003 - Equilibris is proud to announce the creation of the first adenture object, made soley by ourselves as opposed to being modified from the game. We are unsure what exactly it's function will be - possibilities include a merchant's house which can be robbed, a quest hut or even some creature dwelling. But the screenshot of the adventure map object is already available in Screenshots section.

We also want to remind you that we would be thrilled to hear your ideas and that they will all be considered for implementation. If you have some ideas or artworks feel free to send it to us. Maybeit will be you who adds the most popular adventure object to Equilibris!We also want to remind you that we would be thrilled to hear your ideas and that they will all be considered for implementation. If you have some ideas or artworks feel free to send it to us. May be it will be you who adds the most popular adventure object to Equilibris!

December 02, 2003 - Bad news. We have found out that we are being counterfeited. Some "businessmen" from some "game club" have released some CD wich is sold as "Equilibris addon". The first problem is we learned about it from the market, not from the "publisher". And the second problem - the CD is based on Equilibris 3.21 - the older version, which has some bugs, including 1 fatal on some machines. Our only recommendation - not to buy this CD, whatever the salesperson says. Until there is news on this site about Equilibris released on CD - any Equilibris CD is counterfeit.

This event has led us to make some conclusions for ourselves. The main one is that not all the new stuff, innovation and optimization will be included in current Equilibris version - some will appear only in final release. We know it doesn't sound too optimistic, but we hope you understand our situation and therefore our actions.

Oh yes, by the way, the new "Dungeons and Dragons Heroes-IV addon" has nothing to do neither with Heroes-IV nor addons. It's just another attempt to make money without putting much effort, just like the "Lord of the rings addon".

November 25, 2003 - It's been a long time without updates! That's bad. Hopefully, this news rewards all those who have been waiting. We made a huge leap toward introducing new objects into the game - new artifacts, new structures and adventure map decorations. One new screenshot in "Screenshots" section demonstrates our new findings. Hope you like it, but this new artifact will not appear in the game.

And now one more important announcement. We will be glad to receive your reasonable ideas and pictures of new objects. New quest huts, artifacts, movement boosters - anything. Ideas - on our Forum, pictures - via E-Mail. Both are on the "Contact Us" page.

November 6, 2003 - To all of those who had problems with downloads - the section now contains more links to different servers. Also the WoW Campaign Editor and special file with Object palettes configuration for Camaign Editor are available for download. The file contains previously hidden objects and objects changed or created in Equilibris.

November 4, 2003 - We are proud to present the release of mod version 3.3! Look for it in Downloads section! There are some major changes and minor bugfixes.

October 29, 2003 - Because of the finally achieved compatibility with all Heroes-IV versions, we can state that Equilibris is gradually evolving into a mature stage. We have made an important agreement with a well-known Heroes site,, that entitles us to comprehensive support, creative and informational alike. The portal also agreed to initiate Heroes offline-tournaments using Equilibris mod.

October 26, 2003 - The instruction to Equilibris installation on expansionless Heroes-IV is updated. It looks like owners of patched versions of the game do not need to download the 12,2 MB file.

October 24, 2003 - It is now possible to install Equilibris on Standard Edition, without any addons. Instructions are in the FAQ section and there is one more important file in the Downloads section. By the way, remember that Equilibris version 3.3 is almost ready!

October 23, 2003 - Experience of previous releases showed that there is a high probability of trivial and easy to eliminate bugs in newly released mod versions. To avoid this we have decided to create a team of beta-testers.

Testers will receive the most recent mod versions several days before they are available to public. Those who wish to become testers are required to be active players (to devote much time to HoMM-IV), to be ready to work in line with offered plan (though not too strict), to be able to give clear and reasonable comments on bugs and balance issues. Of course, testers will not be allowed to pass their beta-versions of mod to other people.

If you are interested in becoming beta-tester - send us E-Mail. Warning in advance - not everybody will be accepted. If you think you are experienced player - name all your nicks in different Heroes-forums, GameSpy, TOH, etc. Or we will just ask couple questions as an entry exam :).

October 17, 2003 - For the attention of slow computers' owners! We have made an optimization patch for Heroes IV, which essentially improves adventure map and battle speed, especially on L and XL maps. It will be included in 3.3 version of the mod, so you don't need to download the patch if you are willing to wait.

October 01, 2003 - We have some great new screenshots of the
long anticipated Camp-QuestHut and the Megadragon dwelling.

September 28, 2003 - One more save in Downloads section - Minotaurs unleashed!

September 24, 2003 - Very important FAQ update! At least for those who have "The Gathering storm", but don't have "Winds of War" - question number 09.

September 23, 2003 - FAQ section updated.

September 18, 2003 - The mod version 3.21 is finished! Welcome to Downloads section! Tournament Edition included! ChangeLog section now contains data from h4mod.txt

September 16, 2003 - We are finishing our work on 3.21 version of the mod. It will fix some minor bugs (incl. Armageddon bug) ang contain a cople balance and gameplay features. It will be available not only on this site, but on FilePlanet servers too. We are also preparing version 3.21 TE (tournament edition). The only difference with version 3.21 will be inability to load saves from WoW or earlier mod versions. This feature is critical for offline tournaments, which will greatly help us to uncover balance issues.

September 01, 2003 - Version 3.2 of the mod is released. Look for it in the "Downloads" section. There are some disign changes too. The link to GuestBook was replaced with "ChangeLog" section (being translated). "Contuct us" section was redisigned too.

August 22, 2003 - forum started as promised.

August 20, 2003 - This English version of site started.

August 19, 2003 - There are very interesting saves in "Downloads" section. Don't miss them, you won't find anything like that elsewhere! Unique and exclusive, must see!

August 18, 2003 - New screenshots from our mod in "Screens" section as promised. Enjoy :). Also, "Contact Us" is a whole section now (not a link anymore), which has all the important links and various ways to express your opinion about the mod and participate in its making. A new section "Changes" should replace the guestbook soon. As you might've guessed already, it will feature a list specifying all changes inflicted by the mod. At last, the site now supports 800x600 resolution.

August 15, 2003 - Couple of important things. First of all, the site will have its message board. Second, we'll most likely start another site - a mirror of this one (thanks to the slow hosting of Finally, expect the "Screens" section to be filled with tasty stuff soon :) Could happen as early as tommorow.

August 11, 2003 - Changed design and layout of the site. Work on version 3.2 continues with full force.

August 1, 2003 - FAQ is now available.

July 29, 2003 - The site is founded in Russian.

July 28, 2003 - Version 3.1 of the mod is now available in the "Downloads" section.