Hi there,
I have a question about the forum: I can't read any of the topics, threads or posts outside of the English section. They're all in unrecognizable character formats or something.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I should modify my browser or my Windows to make it all readable (e.g. displayed in English)??
Hope you guys (and girls offcourse) can help.
Thanks in advance.
2 Lost:
It's terrible
It's terrible

Web-designer wanted. "Once a knight, always a knight, but once a King is once too often!" (c) Sir Bella of Eastmarch
It does work... a bit. Unfortunately a lot of words are still unreadable.
And using that address means I'm not logged in so I can't reply to anything.
It's gonna take some getting used to, but it's workable. The only alternative I know is learning Russian, which seems really hard to me.
2 Crusard:
Mine has... not a pretty sight, believe me
And using that address means I'm not logged in so I can't reply to anything.
It's gonna take some getting used to, but it's workable. The only alternative I know is learning Russian, which seems really hard to me.
2 Crusard:
Mine has... not a pretty sight, believe me